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I “Bubble Wrap" my kid and what ?

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

I “Bubble Wrap" my kid and what ?

Take your helmet! Don't forget your protection for your knees, your elbows and your life preserver ! And… Your cycling gloves? And… your non-slip shoes? and your UV sunglasses… and your reflective cap … and your SPF 150 sunscreen ?!?

What ?! I am only going for two days visiting a friend who has a chalet in the mountains. With all this protective equipment, I will not have any room in my luggage for my swimsuit!

It is important to protect yourself against major injuries and accidents, but there is a limit, no?! Sometimes, all these accessories that parents force their child to wear discourage them from doing it. If they have to cover every inch of their skin that could be injured, they’d prefer to do nothing! One research study showed that overprotection or over-competitive parents (those who want their child to be the best at all cost) discourage them from doing any kind of sports activity. Practicing a very simple physical activity, just for fun, becomes so complicated that children no longer want to do anything and this overprotectiveness can create low self-esteem and anxiety and thereby impact their social skills.

Sometimes our fear as a parent pervades to such an extent that by the time we are ready for a little walk with our child and their scooter, the process of preparation has taken longer than the ride will itself - sometimes it seems that it’s just not worth the effort! But… OTHERWISE … (yes, I found a positive aspect of overprotection!) Firstly because we are LoVed or we really LoVe them! Then, another research shows that when a parent protects their child from an urban environment where the crime rate is high (e.g. gun crime, violence, drug gangs…) the functioning of the family is better. What is your opinion?

I guess, as a mum, I have to let them go a little bit. Give up a bit of control. Try to find the "golden balance" if possible. Remove a layer of bubble wrap on my child and keep it for myself. references: Ungar M. Overprotective Parenting: Helping Parents Provide Children the Right Amount of Risk and Responsibility. The American Journal of Family Therapy. Published online April 30, 2009:258-271. doi:10.1080/01926180802534247

Spokas M, Heimberg RG. Overprotective Parenting, Social Anxiety, and External Locus of Control: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Relationships. Cogn Ther Res. Published online December 30, 2008:543-551. doi:10.1007/s10608-008-9227-5


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